Banyan Global


Our Work in Economic Growth

Our economic growth practice fosters market-driven solutions that advance inclusive and resilient growth. We work with businesses, financial institutions, civil society, academia and governments to strengthen local policies, systems and institutions to address challenges to investment, innovation and know-how, technology, and markets. Show More

Our economic growth expertise includes the following:

  • Finance and Investment: We strengthen financial systems and institutions to accelerate financing to underserved markets, including micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), agribusinesses, and women- and youth-led businesses. We assist governments to provide market-oriented investment services that support the flow of capital into critical infrastructure and growth-oriented sectors. Our experts engage and deploy financial technology (fintech) to enhance financial inclusion and access to capital.
  • Trade and Policy Reform: We collaborate and partner with host country governments to support more efficient trade systems and policies that spur investment and business expansion.
  • Market Systems and Enterprise Development: We work with local actors (governments, businesses, non-governmental organizations) to identify and address market failures; promote market linkages; and enhance the competitiveness of key sectors.  Our efforts prioritize local capacity strengthening. We support business service provider (BDS) organizations through strengths-based and pay-for-results approaches that build sustainable advisory support systems for small and growing businesses.
  • Energy and Climate Smart Development: We pursue resilient, net zero economic growth outcomes through initiatives that strengthen renewable/green energy solutions; prepare individuals for climate-friendly careers; leverage funding that promotes low-emissions, climate resilient infrastructure and services; and support climate-friendly trade policies and practices – among many others.
  • Digital Acceleration and Solutions: We employ data analytics to gain insight into economic trends, market behavior and business investment and growth opportunities.  Our experts advance the use of digital services (information platforms) to facilitate access to and use of real-time data for decision-making.
  • Workforce Development and Entrepreneurship: We leverage private sector-led resources and strategies to align workforce development programming with labor market needs. These efforts strengthen labor market information systems and employment placement strategies to help job seekers—particularly youth—develop the hard and soft skills needed to access decent jobs. Our teams provide training and know-how to support entrepreneurial growth.
  • Agriculture and Food Security: We help farmers and agribusinesses access commercial markets through new sources of financing, information, and market data. Our agriculture and food security efforts promote climate smart strategies to mitigate environmental impacts of farming. Our work strengthens household nutrition and builds community resilience.

Economic Growth, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, Empowering Communities

January 2013 - June 2013

Value Chain Assessment


Economic Growth

September 2006 - September 2010



Economic Growth, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

March 2005 - July 2005

Donor Mapping Study

Middle East and North AfricaMiddle East and North Africa