Banyan Global


Our Work in Finance And Investment

A sound and inclusive financial-services sector is an engine of economic growth. Banyan Global works at the policy, financial institution, and borrower levels to find innovative, sustainable solutions for today’s private-sector financial needs. Our finance and investment experts facilitate corporate, government, and small-business partnerships that drive inclusive financing and investment, supporting sustainable economic growth. Show More

Our finance and investment expertise includes the following:

  • Blended finance and guarantees: Banyan Global helps donors and the private sector structure and support investments and financing that stimulate local capital flows to underserved markets and businesses. Our experts structure blended financial instruments as well as credit guarantees—such as the United States International Development Finance Coporation (DFC) guarantee—to attract private capital into new sectors while lowering financial risks for lenders.
  • Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and agricultural finance: Banyan Global works with financial institutions to initiate and expand lending to MSMEs. Our expertise includes designing micro- and SME-lending programs, training a range of financial organizations (including banks and microfinance institutions) in lending and marketing to the MSME sector, conducting market research, developing loan products, and creating market linkages. Banyan Global has extensive experience facilitating lending to the agriculture and agribusiness sectors.
  • Investment finance: Banyan Global works with investors to enter new markets. We facilitate transactions and pipeline development, as well as provide advisory services to high-potential firms. We also build the capacity of government institutions to attract investment.
  • Access to finance: Banyan Global provides demand-side support to help MSMEs and larger export-oriented businesses to access financing and equity, including via business training, business planning, feasibility studies, and loan packaging. We have expertise assisting youth- and women-owned businesses to access financing as well as supporting underserved sectors—such as health, agriculture, and energy—to obtain investment.
  • Gender impact investing: Banyan Global leads gender-impact-investing initiatives that facilitate backing for growth-oriented companies striving to achieve gender equity across their operations. Our innovations include addressing the digital gender divide through the use of mobile money for women in remote locations, facilitating financing for female entrepreneurs, supporting workplace equity and employment opportunities for women, and investing in products and services that benefit women and girls.
  • Policy and regulatory services: Banyan Global works with policy makers and regulators to develop sound financial-sector policies and improve regulatory capacity.
  • Insurance: Our experts help formal-sector insurers, managed-care companies, governments, social-security systems, and microfinance institutions develop and expand insurance coverage.

Finance And Investment, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

March 2005 - July 2005

Donor Mapping Study

Middle East and North AfricaMiddle East and North Africa

Finance And Investment, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

March 2005 - April 2005

Microfinance Evaluation
