Banyan Global


Our Work in Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

Banyan Global believes that evidence should be the foundation of successful project design, offer guidance for mid-project course corrections, and be disseminated widely at project end to share lessons for better and more-impactful future programming. We provide monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning services at the program, institution, sector, and mission levels. Show More

Our monitoring and evaluation expertise includes the following:

  • Impact evaluations: Banyan Global designs and conducts rigorous impact evaluations to inform evidence-based decision-making for scaling interventions and pilot programs by identifying causal effects relative to valid counterfactuals.
  • Midterm and final project evaluations: Banyan Global designs and conducts quantitative and qualitative early performance, midterm, and final project evaluations across a variety of sectors.
  • Monitoring systems: Banyan Global leads the development of indicators and performance-monitoring plans, implements monitoring systems, collects and analyzes data, and reports findings for development projects.
  • Knowledge management: Banyan Global provides communications and knowledge-management support to development efforts through innovative dissemination, learning, and information sharing.
  • Training and capacity strengthening: In support of the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Journey to Self-Reliance, Banyan Global conducts training, coaching, mentoring, and technical assistance. We draw on USAID Learning Lab’s Capacity 2.0 to build the capacity of local research firms and monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) specialists.
  • Collaborating, learning, and adapting: Banyan Global builds networks of internal and external stakeholders and beneficiaries with shared or complimentary goals to discuss activities at pivotal points along the program cycle, share knowledge, and learn from others’ experiences. We design and test theories of change and integrate feedback loops into program design to reflect learning and promote transformative programming. Banyan Global orchestrates regular interactions among activity staff, donors, stakeholders, and beneficiaries to pause and reflect on performance to surface stories of success and failures and facilitate adaptations.
  • Complex environments: Banyan Global leads cutting-edge evaluation designs in conflict and post-conflict environments.

Economic Growth, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, Empowering Communities

January 2013 - June 2013

Value Chain Assessment


Economic Growth, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

March 2005 - July 2005

Donor Mapping Study

Middle East and North AfricaMiddle East and North Africa