May 2013
Kyrgyz Republic Economic Growth Assessment
Economic Growth · Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning | Download PDF
As a subcontractor to Chemonics on the Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices (AMEG) project, Banyan Global worked in Kyrgyzstan to help the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to expand its efforts in the most promising value chains. This was conducted to better inform the mission about key economic problems and issues in the Kyrgyz Republic. It provided analytical support to existing and potential economic projects and supported USAID’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy process. The value chain assessment included extensive literature reviews, in-country focus group and individual interviews with donors, the public, private sector, and civil society. Specifically, the study undertook a value chain assessment of the tourism and textile sectors, coupled with an in-depth review of the business enabling environment.
May 2013
Economic Growth · Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning | Download PDF