Health Sector
Investing in the healthcare of a population can improve the quality of life, lead to better livelihoods, and create sustainable, long-term development.
At Banyan Global, we use market-driven and inclusive approaches to address complex development challenges worldwide. We have worked in 60 countries, serving clients in Africa, Asia, Europe and Eurasia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East and North Africa. We engage across six practice areas: the health sector, finance and investment, enterprise development, gender, youth, and evaluation and learning. See impact stories about our projects.
Investing in the healthcare of a population can improve the quality of life, lead to better livelihoods, and create sustainable, long-term development.
A sound financial sector fosters sustainable economic growth, encourages investments, and provides efficient mechanisms for allocating local capital, resources, and risk.
Micro, small, and medium enterprises stimulate private ownership and contribute to employment and broad-based economic growth.
Gender equality can promote equitable and sustainable development for both men and women.
Tapping into the potential of youth in developing countries can accelerate development and innovation, allowing countries to reap a dividend in economic growth.
Monitoring and evaluation provides government officials, development managers, and civil society with better means for learning from past experience, improving service delivery, planning resources, and demonstrating results.