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Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
Co-Creating Change in Malawi through Locally-led, Evidence-based, and Strategic Adaptation
Banyan Global supports USAID/Malawi to make data-driven decisions and strategically steer the Mission’s highly integrated Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) toward greater development results.

Leveraging the Power of Human Resource Information Systems to Enhance Nigeria's Health Workforce
The Health Workforce Management Activity is advancing innovations to help Nigeria address its health system challenges.

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
Optimizing the Geospatial Data Chain for Learning and Adaptive Management in Malawi
Banyan Global’s Learn to Perform Activity offers a full suite of monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) services to USAID/Malawi and its partners to provide evidence and information on the key learning priorities, including the impact of co-located activities and the Mission’s integrated approach.

Strengthening Nursing and Midwifery Education in Nigeria by Partnering to Revise and Roll Out the National Nursing and Midwifery Curricula
Banyan Global is working in Nigeria to improve maternal child health outcomes as the prime recipient of the $19-million USAID/Nigeria Health Workforce Management (HWM) Activity.

Youth · Empowering Communities · Enterprise Development
Innovation in Workforce Strengthening: Adapting to COVID-19 Challenges in Honduras
In response to the socio-economic disruption brought by COVID-19, Banyan Global led one of the country’s early-on economic recovery efforts and training for employment programs under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) flagship workforce development activity, Empleando Futuros.

Closing the Gaps: Reaching Every Ward with Skilled Birth Attendants in Nigeria
Banyan Global is working in Nigeria to support this effort and address the human resources for health (HRH) crisis more broadly. We are leading the USAID Health Workforce Management (HWM) Activity.