Banyan Global


GITA II Project

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Banyan Global is implementing the GITA II task order, which provides on-demand, rapid-response, short-term technical assistance (STTA) to United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Missions and Bureaus across multiple sectors and in crisis and non-crisis settings. This task order applies expertise in gender research and practice to the process of designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating USAID strategies, projects, and activities to reduce the gender and women’s empowerment gaps that impede development outcomes.

USAID Missions or Bureaus may buy into GITA II to obtain technical support to address gender equality and women’s empowerment for any of the following tasks:

  • Institutional gender assessment to bolster mission-level processes to enhance gender equality and women’s empowerment
  • Gender analyses for Country Development Cooperation Strategies (CDCSs), Regional Development Cooperation Strategies (RDCSs), or project development document technical assistance
  • Gender integration technical assistance for monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MELS) plans for project-level activities (developing gender-sensitive indicators, developing scopes of work, engendering results frameworks, etc.)
  • Activity-level gender analysis to inform requests for proposals/applications (RFPs/RFAs)
  • Technical assistance to develop mission-level gender-based violence or other gender equality-themed roadmaps
  • White papers, background papers, or discrete periodic briefs on emerging, time-sensitive issues affecting gender equality (sudden-onset refugee crisis, fragile states, pandemics, etc.)

All USAID Washington and overseas operating units can access technical services through GITA II.

Under GITA II, Banyan Global is carrying out the following work:

Project Resources