May 2013
Pakistan Non-Agricultural Value Chain Assessment
Economic Growth · Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning · Empowering Communities | Download PDF
Under the Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices (AMEG) project, Banyan Global fielded a senior value chain expert who participated on a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) team to identify constraints and opportunities in Pakistan’s selected value chains based on the value chains’ ability to create employment and increase incomes in urban areas. The team reviewed information technology, garments, leather, pharmaceuticals, herbal medicine, marble, and surgical instruments as value chains. Information technology was highlighted as a particularly important value chain in part due to its potential to increase youth employment. Banyan Global identified the specific business enabling environment issues, including management, technological, labor force, financial, marketing and infrastructure, that hinder improvements in the competitiveness of specific value chains. Based on this analysis, Banyan Global made recommendations for an implementation strategy to resolve these constraints to create employment, target youth, and raise incomes. We also assessed cross-cutting issues of energy, gender, finance, and the enabling environment. In addition, we developed recommendations for USAID for each value chain for follow-up interventions.
May 2013
Economic Growth · Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning · Empowering Communities | Download PDF