SHOPS Plus to Support Uwela Medicare Dispensary in Tanzania
Originally published by SHOPS Plus
Banyan Global leads the access to finance component of the Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Plus project. In Tanzania, we are building private providers’ capacity to improve and sustain the delivery of high-quality priority health services and strengthening the sustainability of Tanzania’s accredited drug dispensing outlets.

Dr. Faustin Lukinda and his wife, Esperance, outside of the Uwela Medicare Dispensary in Mwanza, Tanzania.
Uwela Medicare Dispensary is located in Mwanza, Tanzania and is owned by Dr. Faustin Lukinda, and his wife Esperance. Dr. Lukinda is a generalist and Esperance is both the office manager and midwife. They offer an array of services which include family planning, malaria testing, and HIV/AIDS testing and counseling services. The region they serve is highly dependent on the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIA) for payment of health services. In order to attend to this population, Uwela is in the process of being accredited by NHIA, which will result in an increase in client flow. To properly service these clients, the dispensary is considering an investment in new laboratory equipment and expansion of locale. This would allow them to address the projected increase in HIV/AIDS testing and counseling services. SHOPS Plus will provide support in investment planning and loan application for required financing.