June 30, 2023
U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative for States (PMI-S)

Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test demonstration at a clinic in Plateau State during health facility mentoring on September 28, 2023. Photo by Musa Saint, Banyan Global Private Sector Advisor
The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative for States (PMI-S) project in Nigeria is a five-year flagship malaria project financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by a consortium led by Management Sciences for Health (MSH). The goal of PMI-S is to support the Government of Nigeria, from the federal to community levels, in reducing malaria-related mortality through quality services for managing malaria and its complications, and preventing malaria during pregnancy and in children under five. As a member of the PMI-S consortium, Banyan Global’s role centers on private sector engagement (PSE) under two project task orders: Akwa Ibom, Cross River, Ebonyi, and Oyo states for Task Order 3 (for which Banyan Global’s work ended in March 2023) and Benue, and Plateau states for Task Order 4 (continuing through 2025).
Under PMI-S, Banyan Global provides technical assistance to State Ministries of Health and State Malaria Elimination Programs (SMEPs) by conducting comprehensive state-wide private sector mapping exercises and then collaboratively developing and implementing PSE strategies based on the mapping findings and recommendations. Banyan Global works with SMEPs and Local Government Areas to strengthen their capacity to sustainably manage, implement, and monitor malaria case management and health service delivery in private facilities. Additionally, Banyan Global staff in Nigeria conduct trainings with private sector health facility staff on the diagnosis and treatment of both uncomplicated and severe malaria, and on data storage and management, while encouraging the participants to conduct cascade trainings with other clinic staff when they return. These trainings are followed by a program of monitoring and mentoring visits by Banyan Global and SMEP professionals, to help ensure that staff at private health facilities can implement good practices in malaria case management and reporting in their hospitals, clinics, and laboratories.