Southern Africa Trade Hub Project
Banyan Global was a subcontractor to AECOM on the $65 million United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Southern Africa Trade Hub project, which worked to reduce the time and costs of transporting goods across borders, to strengthen the competitiveness of agriculture value chains, to increase trade and investment in Southern Africa’s textile and apparel sector, and to increase the capacity for regulating and enhancing the clean energy sector. Banyan Global designed and conducted three agricultural value chain-related gender analyses in Zambia, Malawi, and Mozambique, and led a gender assessment of women informal cross border traders in Southern Africa to examine constraints experienced by women informal cross border traders, including gender-based violence and harassment. Using the gender analysis findings, it also designed and facilitated innovative gender awareness trainings for farmers and USAID-funded Southern Africa Trade Hub grantees and partners in the project countries.