May 2018
Mid-term Performance Evaluation of USAID Career Center, Final Evaluation Report
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning · Empowering Communities | Download PDF
The midterm performance evaluation of the USAID Career Center Activity in Morocco was implemented by Banyan Global under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning’s Office of Learning, Evaluation and Research (PPL/LER) flagship Monitoring and Evaluation indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract. The task order’s objective was to analyze the USAID Career Center’s performance at the midway point and to make action-oriented, evidence-based recommendations to USAID/Morocco’s Office of Economic Growth and the implementing partners to improve ongoing and future programming. Specifically, this evaluation assessed progress to date against planned results; captured and analyzed stakeholder feedback to inform the USAID Career Center of its perceived value to different stakeholders; made recommendations to improve its value proposition by adjusting services; and informed the USAID Career Center on necessary adaptations to improve the model’s sustainability and better support career services in Morocco.
This evaluation, extending from February 27 through May 7, 2018, covered the USAID Career Center’s award date through December 2017. The USAID/Morocco Mission, specifically the Office of Economic Growth, will use the analysis to guide the direction of the USAID Career Center in the remaining activity life. The implementing partners (FHI 360, IREX, EFE, and Golden Resources) will learn about the strengths and weaknesses of activities to date and adjust the upcoming workplan based on the evaluation recommendations.
May 2018
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning · Empowering Communities | Download PDF
May 2018
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning · Empowering Communities | Download PDF