January 2018
Tunisian American Enterprise Fund (TAEF) Evaluation Final Evaluation Report
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning · Economic Growth | Download PDF
The early implementation evaluation of the Tunisian American Enterprise Fund (TAEF) was implemented by Banyan Global in collaboration with subcontractor Millennium Partners under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning’s Office of Learning, Evaluation and Research (PPL/LER) flagship Monitoring and Evaluation indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract. The objective of this task order was to provide USAID/Washington with a full, evidence-based and independent, early implementation evaluation of the first three and a half years of TAEF. The overall objective of TAEF is to promote the development of Tunisia’s private sector (including small businesses), and policies and practices conducive to private-sector development in Tunisia.
With total USAID grant funding to TAEF expected to be $100 million, it was important at an early stage to conduct an independent performance evaluation to take stock of the accomplishments and any challenges encountered by TAEF, as well as to garner other important lessons learned to inform future work of the fund. Based on the evaluation findings and recommendations, USAID and TAEF’s board and management may consider any organizational or structural changes which may be necessary or helpful, as well as early indications of the fund’s development impact, and current needs of the small and medium enterprise community.
The TAEF Early Implementation Evaluation Report is available online.
January 2018
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning · Economic Growth | Download PDF