Banyan Global is working in Nigeria to support this effort and address the human resources for health (HRH) crisis more broadly. We are leading the USAID Health Workforce Management (HWM) Activity.
Banyan Global is a subcontractor on the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Plus project that seeks to leverage the full potential of the private sector to strengthen and expand the provision of health services to underserved populations. Banyan Global leads access to finance (A2F) and business strengthening programming on SHOPS Plus, supporting the private sector to address the business constraints to offering and expanding quality health services.
In Ethiopia’s Amhara region, women play an important role in the agricultural sector and in post-harvest management. Women are directly engaged during crop yield collection, grading and selecting quality crops, storage preparation, pest protection, and product restocking. Women also bear sole responsibility for processing crops for family consumption, which is both time and labor intensive.
For Tanzania’s rural and urban poor, Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets (ADDOs) are often the first entry point to the health system. Many ADDOs struggle to accumulate sufficient working capital, particularly rural facilities that are challenged to replenish inventory during the rainy season. Banyan Global, working under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Plus project, conducted a business needs assessment and developed an ADDO strengthening strategy, which includes tailored business training and coaching and the introduction of digital inventory management and financial record-keeping systems.
In February 2020, Banyan Global conducted a gender analysis focused on the constraints affecting women owners and managers of health businesses in Tanzania as part of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector Plus (SHOPS Plus) project. As a subcontractor to Abt Associates, Banyan Global’s role on SHOPS Plus is to support the financial success of private health businesses; the findings from the gender analysis were used to inform a training that would address major constraints affecting women-owned health businesses.
Banyan Global is taking a three-pronged approach to the COVID-19 crisis that focuses on responding in the short-term; planning for long-term recovery; and building resilience for sustainability. Recognizing that COVID-19 is not just a health crisis but is disrupting every aspect of life, from education to livelihoods and from agricultural production to supply-chain and trade bottlenecks, Banyan Global is working synergistically across its practice areas to take a multisectoral approach. Additionally, Banyan Global’s response, recovery, and resilience-building efforts are gendered, socially inclusive, and targeted to the needs of the marginalized, who have been hit hardest by this crisis.