Banyan Global


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Enterprise Development · Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning · Economic Growth · Empowering Communities · Health Sector · Youth

Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic: Multi-Sectoral Approaches to Response, Recovery, and Resilience

Banyan Global is taking a three-pronged approach to the COVID-19 crisis that focuses on responding in the short-term; planning for long-term recovery; and building resilience for sustainability. Recognizing that COVID-19 is not just a health crisis but is disrupting every aspect of life, from education to livelihoods and from agricultural production to supply-chain and trade bottlenecks, Banyan Global is working synergistically across its practice areas to take a multisectoral approach. Additionally, Banyan Global’s response, recovery, and resilience-building efforts are gendered, socially inclusive, and targeted to the needs of the marginalized, who have been hit hardest by this crisis.

Economic Growth · Enterprise Development · Health Sector

Investing in Excellence: Improving Private Health Services in Madagascar

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector Plus (SHOPS Plus) project improves health outcomes in Madagascar. Banyan Global leads the access to finance and business strengthening component of the project. The Investing in Excellence program, created by Banyan Global, recognizes the ways in which private health providers like Mr. Patric are leveraging financial support to invest in and improve their health care practices.

Health Sector · Economic Growth · Enterprise Development

Empowering Women: Removing Barriers and Stimulating Growth for Women Entrepreneurs

In the next decade, nearly 1 billion women like Madame Dieng, the owner of Al Noor Clinic in Petit Mbao, Senegal, will enter the global economy. Banyan Global, working under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector Project Plus (SHOPS Plus), built the capacity of local business-development service providers in Senegal to provide business and financial-management training and one-on-one coaching to Madame Dieng and private health providers like her.

Health Sector

Driving Innovation for Improved Maternal and Child Health in Rural Ghana

In Ghana, the number of private maternity homes (PMHs) - an important provider of maternal and child health care in rural areas - has steadily declined over the past decade. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Saving Maternity Homes in Ghana, Innovate for Health project focused on revitalizing PMHs to expand access to quality maternal and child health services.

Health Sector

The Power of Transformation: Saving Private Maternity Homes in Ghana

In Ghana, private maternity homes have been an important provider of maternal and child health care, especially in rural areas, but the sector has been in steady decline over the past decade. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Saving Maternity Homes in Ghana (SMH) project implemented by Banyan Global, in partnership with the Ghana Registered Midwives Association (GRMA), is piloting an innovative approach to revitalize the private maternity sector in underserved areas, by catalyzing business transformations.

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