May 10, 2018
Officials from the United States Agency for International Development visited the Empleando Futuros project in May to learn more about the project's comprehensive approach to job insertion and its collaboration with the private sector in Honduras.
April 23, 2018
Banyan Global’s team on the USAID Uganda Private Health Support (PHS) Program organized an Access to Finance workshop with dfcu Bank to help health care providers learn more about financing to purchase medical equipment.
March 23, 2018
A diverse group of stakeholders joined forces in Madagascar on January 25 at a workshop facilitated by SHOPS Plus to improve private sector engagement in health .
March 20, 2018
Charge’ d’affaires Brian A. Nichols, U.S. Embassy Honduras, and Fernando Cossich, Mission Director USAID/Honduras, met with seven Empleando Futuros project participants during a visit to the Morales III sector of Chamelecon in San Pedro Sula, Honduras on March 19, 2018.
March 19, 2018
SHOPS Plus is working to strengthen the sustainability of accredited drug dispensing outlets (ADDOs) in Tanzania, which are largely owned and managed by women.
March 14, 2018
In March 2018, Empleando Futuros representatives traveled from Honduras to Colombia with government and USAID officials to visit with the Colombian National Service of Learning (SENA) to explore strategies for engaging more successfully with the private sector.
February 27, 2018
When flood waters damaged her clinic in 2013, Bineta Sène Sall had to cut back on her services. After participating in a SHOPS Plus training on financial management, however, she chose to invest in her clinic and offer new services, and now her clinic is financially stronger than before.
February 8, 2018
Banyan Global joined midwives, representatives from the government of Ghana, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in early February to celebrate the transformation of private maternity homes in Ghana. The USAID Saving Maternity Homes in Ghana, Innovate for Health project End of Project Event was held on Friday, February 2 in Accra, Ghana.
January 29, 2018
Empleando Futuros está solicitando expresiones de interés para participar en una solicitud de aplicaciones para realizará un proyecto piloto en servicios de prevención terciaria con organizaciones y empresas registradas en Honduras, que puedan prestar los servicios generales de formación, mentoría y orientación socio-laboral de jóvenes. | Empleando Futuros, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Workforce Development Activity in Honduras, is requesting Expressions of Interest for a pilot project for tertiary prevention services with Honduran registered organizations or institutions that can provide the following services.