USAID Officials Visit Empleando Futuros

USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for Latin America and the Caribbean, Barbara Feinstein, speaks with Empleando Futuros youth.
On May 2, 2018, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Honduras Mission Director, Fernando Cossich and the USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for Latin America and the Caribbean, Barbara Feinstein visited youth from the Empleando Futuros project. Mr. Cossich and Ms. Feinstein travelled to the community of Oscar A. Flores in El Pedregal and stopped by the Via de France Café, which has successfully employed Empleando Futuros youth.
During the visit to El Pedregal, Mr. Cossich and Ms. Feinstein learned about the barista and other technical trainings, as well as interacted with youth currently participating in various life skills activities. They also learned about Empleando Futuros’ mentorship program and its role in supporting youth throughout the training and job insertion process.

Empleando Futuros participants proudly display signs that say, “Tengo Empleo!” (“I have a job!”).
At Via de France Café, the visitors interacted with the café’s owner, Mr. Eduardo Kafati, who spoke highly of the youth he had hired through Empleando Futuros. Mr. Cossich and Ms. Feinstein also spoke with these youth directly, along with several other youth from the project who are in the job search and recruitment stage of the program.
Mr. Cossich’s and Ms. Feinstein’s visit highlighted Empleando Futuro’s focus on the importance of a comprehensive package of training in life and technical skills, as well as the private sector’s appreciation of this approach for youth recruitment and retention in Honduras.