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June 2021

Gender Digital Divide Tools and Overview Document

These tools and resources can be used either together or as stand-alone documents. They are designed to be flexible and illustrative: they can be adapted or used as jumping-off points and prompts. These tools build off of, and refer to, the Women’s Economic Empowerment and Gender Equality (WEEGE) Technical Guide, with specific references to Integrating WEEGE into a Gender Analysis Toolbox and WEEGE Illustrative Indicators.

Gender · Enterprise Development | Download PDF

June 2021

Technical Knowledge Brief: Reducing Gender Barriers and Advancing Policies to Expand Women's Opportunities in the Workforce

On June 17, members of USAID’s Women’s Economic Empowerment Community of Practice (CoP) attended a virtual learning event, “Reducing Gender Barriers and Advancing Policies to Expand Women’s Opportunities in the Workforce.” These are resources and key learnings highlighted in the learning event.

Gender · Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning | Download PDF

April 2021

Success Story: My Future is in Honduras

The COVID-19 pandemic caused in-person classes to be suspended in Honduras and created the need for online educational programming.  To address this, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Empleando Futuros project partnered with the Ministry of Education in Honduras to offer courses in employability skills through the Youth Labor Bridging Program.  Through taking the online courses and receiving support from Empleando Futuros coaches, youth beneficiaries like Estefany and Dener saw that they could build bright futures for themselves within Honduras.

Youth · Gender · Enterprise Development | Download PDF

April 2021

Success Story: Young Heroes in Times of Crisis

In the face of the social and economic crisis in Honduras caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the aftermath of Hurricanes Eta and Iota, which struck back-to-back in November 2020, youth beneficiaries from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Empleando Futuros project have dedicated their efforts to helping those most in need of support.  Through their resilience and motivation to be of help to others in times of adversity, the youth beneficiaries became heroes within their communities.

Youth · Gender · Enterprise Development | Download PDF

April 2021

Supporting Women's Economic Empowerment and Gender Equality Through Trade Briefer

The author of this briefer is Louise Williams. The author’s views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. This publication was produced for review by USAID. It was prepared by Banyan Global for the Women’s Economic Empowerment and Equality Technical Assistance task order under the Advancing the Agenda of Gender Equality indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract.

Gender · Enterprise Development | Download PDF

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