Banyan Global


USAID/Nigeria Gender Integration Technical Assistance

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Banyan Global is implementing the GITA II Task Order, which provides on-demand, rapid-response, short-term technical assistance (STTA) to United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Missions and Bureaus across multiple sectors and in crisis and non-crisis settings.

Banyan Global delivered technical assistance to USAID/Nigeria’s Mission staff and implementing partners (IPs) through the following initiatives to expand gender and inclusive development integration across the Mission’s priority areas—crisis and conflict, education, economic growth, health, and peace and democratic governance.

  • Activity-level Gender Analyses. Banyan Global developed gender analysis tools, provided technical support, and delivered a workshop to IPs on conducting gender analyses and developing gender action plans for new activities.
  • Tailored Research and Learning Sessions. Banyan Global conducted tailored research on cross-cutting Mission priorities. Topics included proven strategies for social norms change to support women’s economic empowerment, private sector partnership opportunities to prevent and respond to gender-based violence (GBV), and the gender digital divide in Nigeria. Banyan Global shared this research with USAID staff and over 80 IPs through learning sessions and products. Additionally, Banyan Global delivered sessions on sector-specific strategies for addressing GBV for IPs and USAID staff.
  • Gender Integration Resources to Support USAID Staff and Implementing Partners. Banyan Global developed resources to support USAID staff to review gender integration within their activities through a site monitoring tool and a template for identifying gender integration budget needs.
  • Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) Gender Analysis. Banyan Global conducted a country-level gender analysis to inform the Mission’s CDCS for 2025-2030. A research team will identify advances, gaps, and opportunities on gender equality and women’s empowerment across USAID/Nigeria’s sectors. Review the gender analysis report and accompanying sector-specific briefs here.

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