Banyan Global


Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Plus Project, Tanzania

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The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Plus project works to increase access to quality care through the private sector. The project addresses the interrelated problems of inadequate access to quality health services, the shortage of qualified health professionals, and challenges in health financing. The overall objective is to increase the use of priority health services through the strategic expansion of private sector approaches in the health system.  Banyan Global leads the access to finance component of SHOPS Plus Tanzania.

On SHOPS Plus Tanzania, Banyan Global builds private providers’ capacity to improve and sustain the delivery of high-quality priority health services. SHOPS Plus Tanzania also works to strengthen the sustainability of Tanzania’s accredited drug dispensing outlets.

Increase Provider Access to Finance

SHOPS Plus is supporting USAID/Tanzania’s goals of improving access to finance of private health providers by addressing supply and demand challenges. In addition, the project is providing support to CRDB Bank as it implements a five-year Development Credit Authority Guarantee that targets private sector health providers, with a focus on women-owned or -operated facilities.

In Tanzania, PEPFAR and other donors currently provide over 90 percent of HIV funding. SHOPS Plus contributes to PEPFAR’s Sustainable Financing Initiative goal of achieving an AIDS-free generation through shared financial responsibility with country counterparts, public and private. The project engages private sector entities to identify opportunities and support initiatives to increase domestic financing for HIV and to improve the efficiency of the national HIV response. This work includes increasing access to finance for private sector providers operating in PEPFAR priority areas.

Promote Sustainability of Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets

For Tanzania’s rural and urban poor, accredited drug dispensing outlets (ADDOs) are often the entry point to the health system. Underserved populations depend heavily on ADDOs for access to essential health commodities and services. While ADDOs play an important role in health service provision, their quality and financial sustainability vary widely. Numerous ADDOs operate without formal registration, and many struggle to accumulate sufficient working capital – particularly rural facilities that are challenged to replenish inventory during the rainy season.

SHOPS Plus is expanding the role of ADDOs in health service provision by strengthening their financial sustainability and helping to expand their product and service offerings. Banyan Global is strengthening the financial sustainability of ADDOs through tailored business training and coaching, and by introducing and testing digital inventory management and financial record-keeping systems. Additionally, Banyan Global is facilitating linkages between ADDOs, microfinance institutions, local ADDO associations, and pharmaceutical suppliers to enhance ADDOs’ ability to access needed working capital.