October 2005
SEEP Women’s Economic Empowerment Working Group
Banyan Global served as the co-facilitator of the Women’s Economic Empowerment Working Group (WEEWG) for the SEEP Network, a global network of international practitioner organizations dedicated to combating poverty through the promotion of inclusive markets and financial systems. The goal of the Women’s Economic Empowerment Working Group was to improve the ability of market systems and other economic development practitioners to facilitate inclusive, empowering and sustainable services to women across the globe. Banyan Global coordinated the working group’s activities, including webinars, blog posts, networking events, peer learning and review systems, and the development of research, resources, and tools on a range of member-led topics related to women’s economic empowerment, including agriculture and value chain development.
Project Resources
Project News & Events
October 3, 2017
Women’s Economic Empowerment Working Group Annual Meeting
June 22, 2017
January 26, 2017