Banyan Global


Business Training Program

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Banyan Global was hired by Population Services International (PSI) to develop a two-phased training program that introduces and reinforces basic business concepts, including both a one-day basic business management training and additional modules on specific operational issues that are delivered as just-in-time learning modules, taking advantage of teachable moment opportunities when PSI makes on-site visits with local franchisees. The topics for the short modules include various practical areas of operations such as equipment maintenance, facility maintenance, customer loyalty, managing key stakeholders, customer service, keeping business records, managing medical records, using data, cashflow planning, collections and payment management, controlling costs, budgeting, funding the healthcare practice, organizing financial systems, delegation, employee performance, employee orientation and training, employee staffing and hiring, staff retention, time management, developing a marketing strategy, pricing, understanding the market, long term planning, inventory management, quality assurance, and risk management. The training was designed to be adapted and rolled-out at the country level.