Empleando Futuros Joins Government Review in Honduras

Representatives from Empleando Futuros share project materials with meeting participants.
On June 26, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Honduras Office of Education joined the Minister of Education, the Deputy Minister for Prevention, and a representative from President Hernandez’s office to review nine US government-funded education projects. The purpose of the review was to increase awareness of what each project is doing in the country in order to encourage greater cooperation and collaboration between the projects and government officials.
The Empleando Futuros project was invited to present at the meeting. Project representatives introduced the Empleando Futuros framework, described project achievements to date, and reviewed lessons learned and recommendations. One recommendation was a call for greater emphasis on life skills and basic reading and math skills in the public education system in Honduras in order to directly respond to labor market needs. Two youth project participants also contributed to the meeting as recent graduates of the Empleando Futuros training program.