Banyan Global Submission Wins USAID 2019 CLA Case Competition
Banyan Global’s submission with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Honduras to the 2019 Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) Case Competition was selected as a winner and judges’ favorite. The submission, Employing Futures: CLA to Strengthen Youth Workforce Development in Honduras, details how the USAID-funded Empleando Futuros (Employing Futures) project in Honduras was able to successfully adapt its training model because CLA was implemented from the beginning of the project. As a result of the adaption, the project saw a decreased dropout rate for participants and reduced risk factors for youth entering the workforce. Banyan Global’s submission with USAID/Honduras was drafted in coordination with Empleando Futuros staff and the Banyan Global Innovation and Learning Hub.