Banyan Global Leads Target Setting Workshop for USAID Staff and Implementing Partners in Malawi

On October 5, 2022, Banyan Global led a workshop for more than 75 United States Agency for International Development (USAID) staff and implementing partners on setting targets for performance indicators as part of the USAID/Malawi Learn to Perform Activity.

Through a series of guided discussions, collaborative exercises, and question and answer periods over morning and afternoon sessions, the facilitators detailed the target setting process and explored different methods used in determining rationale in target setting. The facilitators also related the target setting to USAID’s Program Cycle, planning and reporting requirements, and overall performance management.

Throughout the workshop, participants had the opportunity to apply learning in a series of small group activities, including scenario planning. The small groups then presented their work to fellow participants, allowing for peer-to-peer knowledge exchanges that enhanced the workshop experience.
To conclude the session, USAID representatives demonstrated how to enter, submit, and approve targets in the Development Information Solution (DIS), the Agency’s web-based, portfolio management system. Banyan Global staff closed the workshop by synthesizing key takeaways and results.