Banyan Global


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Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices, 2013-2017

Banyan Global is a sub-contractor to Chemonics on the USAID-funded Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices project (AMEG), which provides USAID missions in those regions with the tools to conduct successful economic and financial management assessments, strategic planning, diagnostics, pilots, and program designs. With USAID funding, AMEG promotes systematic policy and institutional reforms in support of expanded trade and investment, broad-based economic growth, and poverty reduction in Asia and the Middle East. Its work also includes identifying and promoting interventions, best practices, and pilot activities that support economic, financial management, budget, and public sector performance reforms; private sector investment; and more sustainable inclusive growth. Identifying and promoting these activities, interventions, and best practices emphasizes the importance of knowledge-sharing and management of critical economic and financial policy issues facing the region.

AMEG also focuses on key issues that are unique to the region, including workforce development, unemployment, and underemployment —particularly among youth and women —rates of investment, domestic production and trade, small and medium enterprises, and informal markets. AMEG activities promote the policies and best practices that support more equitable outcomes and inclusive growth. Banyan Global work across all technical areas on the project.