Charge’ d’affaires from U.S. Embassy in Honduras and USAID/Honduras Mission Director Visit Empleando Futuros Participants

Youth participants from Morales III with Charge’ Nichols and Mission Director Cossich. | Photo credit: Empleando Futuros.
Charge’ d’affaires Brian A. Nichols, U.S. Embassy Honduras, and Fernando Cossich, Mission Director USAID/Honduras, met with seven Empleando Futuros project participants during a visit to the Morales III sector of Chamelecon in San Pedro Sula, Honduras on March 19, 2018. The seven youth from Morales III recently completed life skills and basic labor competencies training in their community and now are participating in market-driven technical training at a vocational training center in San Pedro Sula. Courses currently being offered include retail pharmacy assistant, retail sales assistant and refrigeration technician. Following their training in vocational centers, youth will complete internships with local businesses before seeking employment, or in some cases be hired directly. Charge’ Nichols and Mission Director Cossich congratulated the youth for their accomplishments and encouraged them to continue taking advantage of this opportunity. USAID’s Empleando Futuros program is providing comprehensive vocational training to 7,500 youth from Honduras’ most vulnerable communities, and placing them in jobs.