Banyan Global


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  • June 11, 2020

Banyan Global’s Call to Action Against Racism, Injustice, and Inequality

Banyan Global is an international development consulting firm committed to promoting social justice and equality.  We work to bring about real change every day to improve the lives, livelihoods, and health of all people around the world.  It is with great sadness and outrage that we have seen recent events play out in the United States with the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many others. Our condolences are with their families. We also want to recognize the protestors, who have gone out each day to peacefully raise their voices against injustice. We stand with them. Black lives matter. Together, the Banyan Global team rejects racism and all forms of discrimination, injustice, and violence. 

While systemic racism in our society is sadly nothing new, these recent events give us an opportunity as individuals, as a company, and as a country to reflect more deeply on the underlying causes and what we can all do to be part of the solution. As the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “The time is always right to do what is right.” 

At Banyan Global, we have held a number of discussions and an all-U.S. staff brainstorming session about what we can do better as a company to be part of the solution.  We are committed to:

  1. Reviewing and revamping our recruitment practices and systems to promote a more diverse workforce.
  2. Developing an internship program that helps build a more diverse pool of international development professionals for the future.  Specifically, we will seek to provide opportunities to young people who may not have the ability to participate in a traditional, Washington DC-based internship.
  3. Investing in staff training and promoting a workplace culture that respects the diversity of the world we love. 
  4. Supporting organizations that are working to promote social justice and end racism in the United States.
  5. Revisiting the language that we use to ensure our communications are inclusive and promote the dignity of our staff, partners, and all of the people we work with. 
  6. Ensuring that our international development programs are inclusive, promote diversity, and uphold the equality of all people.
  7. Creating a forum for continued information sharing and dialogue to ensure a sustained commitment to addressing systemic racism.
  8. Holding ourselves accountable. We will monitor how we are doing, adjust course, and launch new initiatives as we go to ensure we make continued progress against racism, inequality, and social injustice.