Banyan Global


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Banyan Global Hosts Youth Engagement Community of Practice Meeting

On May 23, 2017, Banyan Global hosted a Youth Engagement Community of Practice Meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to bring together implementing partners under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) YouthPower indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract (IDIQ) in order to learn more about youth projects being implemented under the IDIQ, disseminate project-related information, and share best practices and lessons learned from different projects around the world. Banyan Global presented on the USAID Honduras Workforce Development Activity, called Empleando Futuros, which provides workforce development training and job insertion for at-risk youth from high crime areas in Honduras. Specific topics included USAID’s strategy in Central America, project strategies, challenges and opportunities, youth engagement practices, and the relationship between youth, gangs, crime and the employment potential of at-risk youth.

View Banyan Global’s presentation on YouthPower.

For more information on Empleando Futuros, watch this video from USAID.